Friday, May 10, 2013

My responce to Uncle Sam's Lone Star, "Ban Driving Instead!"

The post that Uncle Sam's Lone Star, wrote on the ban of texting was very well written, and very informative. I have to agree with the author when it comes to, why isn't Perry passing the ban on texting and driving? I admit, I have done it in the past, but I have stopped because I have two little ones in the car, and don't want to put their lives in danger. But, others are putting us in the same danger. A text can wait, it is not the important. Nothing is worth losing a persons life. I don't like having my life or my children's life in someone else hands while they look down to say "LOL." We as people should do what we can to make the ban happen, and enforce the laws, and make the punishment a ridiculous amount of money or community service or something so people will stop the texting and driving.