Friday, April 26, 2013

Should Hospitalsbe able to gather phycial evidence from rape victims?

I read the other day that the senate is trying to pass a bill to where hospitals to gather physical evidence from a rape victim. But the question is should they be allowed to or should they have a county forensic examiner?
There is a lot that goes into a rape kit, they have to collect collection of blood, urine, hair and other body secretion samples,photo documentation,c ollection of the victim’s clothing, especially undergarments,collection of any possible physical evidence that may have transferred onto the victim from the rape scene. A lot goes into, a specailly trained professional should be preforming the exam, not just anyone from the hospital. Just a regular staff member at the hosiptal preforms it they can contaminate the specimens, they can easily mess up because they don't know what they are doing.
If the state really wants to know who to get for the rapes, they should only let the forensic examiner preform the exam, not just any doctor at the hospital, who could possibly be in a hurry, and not caring how to preform the exam just to get it done.
The bill is also for them to budget money to go ahead and go back and look through other rapes that have been preformed, so those victims could have a clear state of mind, and know who their rapist is. And that person could be charged with rape. I like the idea of being able to go ahead and do that, but that is 11 million dollars to do that. They would be testing untested evidence. Why wasn't the evidence tested when the test was preformed? What was the point in waiting to preform it? I see where they are coming from, they want to know, but also the tests should have be tested when they were preformed and evidence was gathered.

Friday, April 12, 2013

My response to Politics within a Local Society, ' An eye for an eye."

This editorial has an amazing points, and gets to the point. It states accurately how the state of Texas is on the death penalty, and how it is a great thing. The death penalty is a good thing to have, and the way Texas does it, is amazing. People who commit crimes that hurt people in a sexual way, or they end up in death should be put to death. As they said, it will give the family of the victims a peace of mind, and feel like justice had been served. We have the fastest death penalty in the USA. As the comedian Ron White said, "I'm from Texas and in Texas we have the death penalty and we use it. That's right, if you come to Texas and kill somebody, we will kill you back. That's our policy. Right now there's a bill in the Texas legislature that would speed up the execution process of those convicted of a heinous crime with more than three credible witnesses. If more than three people saw you do what you did you don't sit on death row for 15 years Jack, you go straight to the front of the line. Other states are trying to abolish the death penalty. My state's putting in an express lane."
I am proud to be from a state where they punish people for the crimes they commit, and not just let them sit there in jail being able to do what they can't do outside the jail walls. Plus, why should our tax dollars go to feeding them food, watch television and all that like the author of this article originally said. Also, the news needs to stop giving the people who commit these horrible crimes, all the media attention they get. It makes them popular, and others see this and think, "hey if we do this, we will become famous and get a lot of attention." Every state should have the whole, "An eye for an eye" concept.